Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Using Propel ORM. My step-by-step walkthrough to create a working model:

There are several commands concerning the ORM which ultimately works toward building a Model.

The schema.yml, which represents the schema for a Model, can be either typed by hand, or imported and built directly from a database. To do so, type:

symfony propel:build-schema

Or if there is no corresponding database in the db, you may enter the schema by hand. After doing so, type

symfony propel:build-sql

to convert the schema into SQL commands. The actual SQL commands are stored in the lib.model.schema.sql inside the data/sql/ directory of the project folder. You can actually skip the build-sql step by editting this file directly...

After the build-sql command, you can insert the SQL commands into the db, provided that you have already configured the connection to your db. Use either

symfony configure:database "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=db_name"

or edit your /config/databases.yml and /config/propel.ini

Once the connection to the db server are set, insert the SQL by typing:

symfony propel:insert-sql

This step will remove tables with the same names defined in the SQL in the db. Clearing Symfony cache is recommended after this step:

symfony cc

Then it's finally time to build Model so that we can use the ORM to access db:

symfony propel:build-model

Note: Actually, you MAY build Model directly from schema.yml, but it'd be pretty pointless without making sure your Model has a working db connection, right?